Pease enjoy this excerpt of The Lessons of Love, Book 13 of the Hope & Hearts from Swan Harbor Series. Copyright 2023 by Sophie Bartow

Excerpt from Chapter 1
Swan Harbor
1:00 p.m.
Amanda slid from the booth and, with her head held high, stormed out the door. She headed toward the library but hadn’t gotten far when her knees gave out. The only thing that kept her from sliding to the ground was a pair of arms that caught and held her up.
Amanda’s heart raced, this time for a much different reason. Her breath caught and slowly she glanced up to meet expressive hazel eyes.
“Hello, ‘Manda,” Lee murmured.
He was the only person who shortened her name like that. The first time he’d done it, he’d touched something inside. She’d just refused to investigate to see what. This time was no different.
“Luh-Lee!” she stuttered. “Where did …?”
“I was behind you,” Lee brushed away her question. “This is about you. What happened?”
“Nuh-nothing.” She stiffened her back and tried to step away. As soon as she did, though, once again, her knees gave out.
“I’ve got you.” Lee caught her again. “Where are you headed?”
“To my car. I’ll be fine.”
The entire time they’d been standing in the center of the sidewalk, Lee hadn’t taken his eyes off her. It made her feel like he was trying to read her mind. He made her heart pound harder. Made her feel like a schoolgirl.
The longer she stood there, the stronger she felt, until finally, she stepped away from his warmth.
“Thank you for being in the right place at the right time.”
“My pleasure.” He smiled, causing his dimples to pop. Lee Simpson was even more handsome than the last time she’d seen him.
“Can I ask why you’re in Swan Harbor?”
Lee grinned. “You can.”
When he didn’t answer, Amanda rolled her eyes. “Why are you in Swan Harbor, Lee?”
“You mean you don’t know?” he teased.
“Gossip line?” she assumed.
“Has the gossip line lost its touch since I’ve been away?”
Despite herself, she laughed. It served to relax her enough to take another step backwards. When he was so close, it was hard to form coherent thoughts. Plus, she had the strongest urge to touch.
“I don’t think you need to worry about the gossip line.” Amanda hitched her bag a little higher on her shoulder. “It’s just as busy as ever.”
Lee chuckled, and there was something so … intimate about the sound her breath caught.
“Which means,” he waved his hand back and forth between them, “this has already hit the airwaves?”
“You know it.”
“Don’t worry about it,” she assured him. “You kept me from ending up on the sidewalk.”
“Which would have been bad?”
“Very bad.” Amanda smiled. “Thanks again.”
She resumed her walk toward the library, and with every step, fought the need to look over her shoulder. It wasn’t until she crossed Summer Avenue that she gave herself permission. Lee waved, and the simple movement caused a funny feeling inside. Her heart flipped, and even with the stress of dealing with Joe, she felt lighter. That realization had her smile breaking free.
To be continued ….