Please enjoy the following excerpt of The Forgiveness of Love, Book 9 in the Hope & Hearts from Swan Harbor. Copyright 2022, Sophie Bartow.

Excerpt from Chapter 1
Swan Harbor
April 19
1:00 p.m.
She took the rattles and, on her way to check out grabbed a floppy hat, and a gray sweater several sizes too large. Her shadows were still out there – waiting. Since she couldn’t actually disappear, then perhaps she could hide in plain sight.
Eden held her breath while the clerk rang up the sweater. She feared the inevitable questions. Ones she couldn’t run from.
“Will there be anything else?” the clerk asked, allowing her to relax … at least a little.
“No, thank you.”
“Do you need a gift box?”
“A gift box?” Eden repeated.
“For the sweater,” the clerk asked. “This seems awfully big.”
“Oh, no,” Eden jumped in. “It was a little cool while I was sitting on the pier earlier.”
“It’s the wind,” the clerk replied. “It can be chilly when it whips off the water. Would you like me to cut off the tags?”
“That would be nice. Thank you.”
What she hadn’t anticipated were the nerves as she waited for her purchases. They had her rocking from one foot to the other impatiently. She’d been in one place too long and needed to leave.
“Here you are.”
Her hands weren’t quite steady, as she slipped the sweater on over her light coat. It felt like she was readying for battle and donning her armor.
Where had that thought come from, though? Was whatever awaited her really a war? If that were the case, who was she fighting? Was it them? Was it him? Or was there more yet to be revealed?
“That’s $69.72,” the clerk murmured.
She started to hand over her credit card, but at the last-minute paid cash. The thought of having her name out there more than it already was made her stomach clench.
“Have a good day,” the clerk chirped.
Eden grabbed her package and with the words Go! Go! on replay in her head, rushed to the door. She covered her
hair with the hat and pushed away from the safety of the store.
There was more traffic than earlier but not enough for her to get lost in. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel vulnerable as she made her way up the pier.
The feeling persisted, growing larger, threatening to wash over her, the farther she walked. And then, she heard it again. First the buzz as one shouted, then another rang out. Until, as a pack, they headed her direction, and the buzz became a rumble.
She back pedaled quickly. There had to be a way out. Her thoughts raced, hoping – searching her memories for a layout of the pier. Was there an escape route she hadn’t considered?
The possibility of getting caught terrified her. She needed answers – and she needed them now.
But what were her options? What did she have to take into battle? A shield, a sword … a Knight? One that would lift his weapon and fight alongside her?
Or was she asking too much? Was this a battle she was meant to fight alone? Was that her destiny?
Two Scoops Ice Cream Shop
April 19
1:45 p.m.
Quinn Jones licked the spoon, letting the sample of Moose Tracks ice cream slowly melt in his mouth.
“It’s good,” he told the young woman behind the counter.
“But not quite the flavor you’re looking for?” she guessed.
“How did you know?”
“It’s the same thing you said after the last flavor.” She looked pointedly at the line of sample size spoons in front of him. “What would you like to try this time?”
“Sorry,” Quinn apologized, continuing his search for just the right one, “There are just so many that look good.”
“Can you tell me what you’re looking for?”
“If I knew that,” he quipped. “I wouldn’t have to sample them, now, would I?”
She was quiet for several seconds before she disappeared into the freezer, then handed him another sample. “Try this.”
“What is it?”
“Chocolate Fudge.”
“And it’s good?”
“It’s delicious,” she giggled. “Taste it.”
Quinn closed his lips around the spoon. His taste buds stood up and gloried in the way the dark chocolate and fudge coated his tongue.
“It’s brilliant,” he murmured.
“I knew you would like it,” she dimpled. “Will it be a cone or cup today?”
“I’ll have …”
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