Please enjoy this excerpt from Guided by Heart set in 1964 Swan Harbor. Copyright 2022 by Sophie Bartow

Chapter 1
Swan Harbor General Hospital
June 1, 1964
2:00 p.m.
Angie scooted her chair closer to her father’s hospital bed. “Say that again.”
“You heard me,” Giovani whispered. “It was sabotage.”
“Sabotage?” she echoed. “This is Swan Harbor. Why would—”
“Listen to me,” her father hissed. “Something is going on. There have been too many accidents lately.”
“Accidents,” Angie nodded. ‘That’s just what they are.”
“I don’t think so,” Giovani replied mulishly. “Someone is up to something.”
“I don’t know. But while I’m in here, just keep your eyes and ears open.”
“Okay, Papa,” Angie promised the older man. “I will.”
She kissed him on the forehead and was halfway to the door when he called her back.
“Angelina, keep an eye on Rocco.”
Her brows flew up in surprise, “You think Rocco is doing this?”
“I think someone is doing this,” he replied. “And if it’s not you or me …”
“What about Bobby or Will?” she tossed out. “Or that new guy you hired, Jimmie? Isn’t it just as likely one of them?” That her voice had come out sounding breathless was something she chose to ignore.
Giovani shrugged, telling her nothing.
“Just watch Rocco,” he repeated.
A part of Angie wanted to think her father’s accident had rattled his thoughts. However, it didn’t stop her from mulling over the possibility on her way back to the marina. He was right about one thing; lately, there had been a rash of incidents. Fortunately, until her father’s accident, no one had been hurt. Was Swan Harbor trying to tell them something?
She didn’t like to think that was the case. Didn’t like the idea that someone would deliberately set out to sabotage their business. If it were true, though, it would certainly explain a few things.
Angie pulled into the marina, and almost against her will, her gaze landed on their newest employee, Jimmie Tanner. Her father had hired him a few weeks back, and something had him living in her thoughts. She’d tried to push him out, even going as far as accepting a date with her ex-boyfriend. Except the more she thought about dating Joey, the more she realized she’d made a mistake.
Nothing you can do about it now, girl!
Jimmie looked in her direction, and their gazes met and held long enough that her heart took off. His eyes were chocolate brown, he had dark wavy hair, high cheekbones, and a full bottom lip. That, combined with his lanky body and the way he moved, captured her attention far more than she liked.
He said something to her brother before starting her direction. The entire time she waited, she had to fight not to check her reflection in the office window. Be cool, she silently warned.
“Angie,” Jimmie greeted. “How’s your father?”
Questions. He was always asking questions. Was that a bad sign or a good one?
“Papa’s fine. Was there anything else you needed?”
Jimmie’s dark eyes raked down her body before once again meeting hers. There was something hidden in their depths she wasn’t entirely sure she could trust. Was he untrustworthy with the business? Or would he be untrustworthy with her heart?
“Rocco sent me to get the key.”
“The key?” Angie repeated, then it dawned on her, “Oh, for the Mahogany Runabout?”
“That’s the one.” He smiled. “Once Rocco finishes applying the name, we’re going to take her out.”
“Just be careful,” she instructed. “Mr. Singleton paid us a lot of money for that boat.”
“No need to worry,” Jimmy assured her. “I’ll be as gentle with it as I would be …”
With Me?
“As if it were mine,” he finished.
Angie swallowed hard and pushed her way into the office. When she opened the cabinet holding the keys, she couldn’t help but notice her hand was shaking. What was it about him that affected her so? Was it that he was a fine-looking man? Or was her subconscious picking up on something else?
What a fine ass!
Angie stretched for the key, and the sight tested Jimmie’s willpower. A sliver of creamy white skin was exposed from where her shirt had pulled free. Her pants were stretched taut over her behind. The view had him thinking of how much he would love to …
He swallowed the groan that threatened and pulled his gaze higher. Get a grip. You’re not here to make a move on the lovely Miss Moretti. Even if it is what you want more than you want to breathe. There’s a job to do.
“Jimmie?” The expectant look on Angie’s face made him wonder if she’d called his name more than once.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I was, well, never mind.”
Her blue eyes twinkled, but instead of saying anything, she held out the key. As soon as their fingers touched, a spark jumped between them. It flared then zipped up his arm, leaving tingles in its wake. It gave him ideas he shouldn’t be having and caused him to backpedal.
“Thank you.” He tossed the key up and caught it. “For this.”
“You’re quite welcome.”
To be continued …